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Decentralized Identity

Time Line

6 months

Project Type



UX Research/Design
Future cast case-study
UI Design

3D Modeling

UX / UI Design
Creative Thinking

DIM (Digital Identity Management) is a concept application that lives in a future scenario using an all-in-one digital wallet with decentralized network. I was inspired by the current trend of the metaverse and owning digital assets in multiple encrypted wallets. It uses a blockchain system that helps prevent any fraud by encrypting the files across different networks and allows individuals to manage their own identities including data shares.


Carry all.
Control all.
Your data.

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DIM is a decentralized data network distributor that provides a smart digital wallet where individuals can store their identity credentials, and control data share and privacy, enabling a hyper-personalized lifestyle.


What if we can decentralize personal information?

Decentralized application enables smooth transaction, no centralized control and secure from data exploitation.

Manage all personal data
Make Quality Life

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Smart Digital Wallet

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Decentralize by adding

Documents and Cards

Decentralize by adding all Id cards, credit cards, crypto coins, health cards, and biometric data in one wallet.

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Easy Transaction of

Multiple currencies

Fast and easy way to exchange and send money via multiple currencies.

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Track and control

of your data

Secure personal information by authorizing data share and tracking transactions.

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Personalized lifestyle

 with our A.I 'Dimi'

Personal Artificial Intelligence assistant recommends user's most preferable options based on user's status and shared data.

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More About the Wallet

No more finding or carrying physical cards or documentations of your identity information. Secure your identity with decentralized system knowing which data I've shared and to whom.


ID Credentials

Keeping different credit cards and crypto coins on multiple platforms is a hassle. However, DIM's smart wallet has no limit on the type of currencies. Exchange and send money with faster and easier steps.


Multiple Currencies

Have ownership and control of your personal data from excessive data exploitation. Share transaction data that you want to share and enhance your personalization.


Control Data Share



A personal artificial intelligence assistant keeps track of your current status and shared data to provide you with the most ideal options. This A.I assistant trains itself with your data and connects with our partnered companies or organizations for a better experience.

Keep track of your transactions with Notifications & History

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Why smart digital wallet?

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cards go missing every year


on replacing cards each year

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have been victims of identity crimes


Identities are exposed in data breaches every year

Problem with current system


1.  Centralized data management is

      complex and easily targeted for crime.

2.  Individuals do not have control over

       their personal data.

3.  Information is inconsistent due to
       manual entries and multiple platforms.

This is how we manage our data right now

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We have both physical and digital assets and it's always a hassle to manage all and often forget our information. In which they are easily exposed because of the centralized network.

DIM's Solution

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DIM provides blockchain based application and individuals can manage all kinds of personal information more safe and efficiently by storing in a single application. This allows decentralization of our data which enhances privacy protection and control of how data is being shared.

DIM Ecosystem

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Ultimately the user owns and controls the access point, and DIM is offering access to a data network that the user can safely access from any location.

Case Study

Centralized vs. Decentralized network

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  • All nodes are connected under a single authority.

  • Have full control over the system and your data.

  • If the main servers are compromised, data is at risk.


  • No single node has control over the system.

  • Has ownership and control over data.

  • Does not hold onto user's information in one place or transfer it to any third-parties.

Survey Key Insights

(Based on 26 responses)

What are the data that is considered personal or sensitive?

Financial history

My Identity

Personal Life



Shopping history


Do you know where your data is being shared and tracked?

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Do you know how to secure your sensitive data in any way?

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Are you willing to share personal data if it benefits your lifestyle?

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Do you find current smart assistant (Alexa, Siri..) useful?

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Interview Key Insights

(Conducted 12 interviews)

How do you manage all your important documents?

"Always carry with me and show my ID when I need to."

"All banking, passwords, digital properties are all over the place.."

How would you want your sensitive data to be kept and controlled?

"Entities must ask for my permission to trade that data when needed."

"Securely in digital documents with the access of multiple factor authentications"

Do you find recommending ads based on your history data helpful?

"Sometimes I do but most of them are not what I really wanted and annoying."

"It creeps me out because I don't know how they got my data and tracking."

Pain Points

  • Do not know how to keep personal data safe.

  • Having both physical/digital documents in different places and platforms.

  • Intimidated by excessive data exploitation without the permission.



  • Secure all-in-one digital wallet that carries all of my needs with easy access.

  • Clear tracking of how my transaction went through and data has been shared.

  • Control over personal data and selectively share my data.

User persona

Initial User

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AGE: 32

INCOME: $85k

Jae has a wide range of expenses. He invests in blockchain-based items such as crypto coins, nonfungible tokens, and more. With his extra income, he often travels a lot, but always feels insecure for him to carry all of his IDs, credit cards, and digital assets from place to place.


  • Don't have to worry about losing IDs, cards, and digital assets.

  • Have control over my data and share when I want it to.

  • Knowing how and when my transaction went through.

Trend Sensitive

Tech usage

Multiple digital wallets

Experience of multi-currencies

Experience with smart devices


(Minimum Viable Product)




All-in-one Wallet

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Personal data



and updates

Data share

Information Architecture Map

Smart Wallet App


User Flow

Final Flow Overview.jpg

Click the image to enlarge

UI Prototypes

Paper Prototyping

(Conducted total 6 user tests)


Task #1:

Register and add your new personal information.

Feedback from user testing:

  • Registration process is too long (Registering Biometric data can be added later).

  • Wish I could take a look around the app without the registration.

  • Adding new information was straight forward, but transferring crypto currencies will take the users out of the app during the registration.


Task #2:

Explore the tab menu then find your ID card and share info with the hotel through the app.

Feedback from user testing:

  • Top navigation is hard to reach while holding a device.

  • Add new should be in each detail page of the categories not just on the main page.

  • In the privacy setting, I want to see check boxes of what kind of info I want to share or not and in each transactions.

  • I want to access the cards that I frequently in the main page.

Mid-Fidelity Prototypes

(Conducted 4 user tests)

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Mid-Fidelity Iterations

(After user testing)

Data share settings

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Privacy page

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Added more specific data share options

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Payment transaction page

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Added a option to share this transaction data for stronger control and personalization

Tracking Data

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History Main Landing

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Changed the way of showing data of histories from personal belongings to date overview. It is a global overview, therefore illustrating in timeline and filtering the categories made more sense.

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Global Notification page

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Just listing all notifications was confusing and hard to manage, therefore changed the visuals for requests and made it look like a call to action button.

Navigation Bar

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Previous Navigation bar

Combined search and A.I assistant feature together and placed in the middle bottom navigation for a  better access point.

Final Prototypes

(Conducted 3 user tests)

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Insights from Final Prototypes

  • Add more use cases of A.I assistant for how it can benefits in real life.

  • Optimize more in filtering history data.

  • Add more details to privacy settings and how user can have more control over personal data.

  • More advanced graphic details in every interfaces.

  • Detailed on-boarding process and instructions.

Next Steps

  • Refinement of the user interfaces and the design system.


  • Gather more possible user cases from the potential end users.

  • Conduct more in-depth user testing and strong user journey.

Furthermore in 2035..

Future Cast project publicized in book


The Speculative
Future of Global ID

Melody Abolian, Tim Kim, John Ma, Anthony Palileo

The Global Digital ID is a self-sovereign identification system that is backed by a secure and robust blockchain network, accessed through multi-factor biometric verification that provides each and every citizen a means of owning all of their personally identifying data.

Always Think beyond
Do not hesitate to contact me to discuss any possible project or learn more about my work.


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