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5 months
Project Type
Co-Living Experience
Housing Problem
UX / UI Design
Allive is a hub that connects people who are looking for a housing or roommates by matching lifestyle needs, and linking to a specialized community preference with those of leaseholder and homeowners, to create a quality connection that promotes enjoyable co-living.
Time Line
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Conducted 17 Interviews total

User Personas


Key Insights
from Initial UI User Testing
Not able to look around the app unless the user signup or log in.
Hard to connect with people that I have never seen before.
UX of search by House or people needs to be clearer.
Not sure how secure the users are.
Mid-Fidelity UI
Onboarding (Signup details)

Main Landing (Manage)

Main Landing (Explore by Houses)

Main Landing (Explore by People)

Message and Connect (Online Contract)

Key Insights
from Mid-Fi User Testing
Lousy in some parts of the UI.
Buttons are too small.
Some features are missing in the managing part.
Where do u save the houses or people you like?
Final User Interfaces

Register by connecting with social network account and input specific lifestyle needs in order to find a perfect home or roommate.

Allive recommends new people with an empty room, and personalized matches between leaseholder and tenants by lifestyle needs.

Easily mange and sort your saved likes and compare all possible options.

Search by wide range of locations, interests, people, and tags.

Online Contract
Chat with possible roommate and sign your contract through online and customize depends on your circumstances.

Split and pay individually. No more gathering bills with your roommates and pay directly.
Next Steps
In-depth research on how rent bills are managed.
Simplify information architecture and User Interfaces.
Have more precise user tests and refine based on the feed backs.
Minimum friction in on-boarding and accessibility.

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